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Guide to Data Protection

The Data Protection Act 1998 places a number of rules and responsibilities upon organisations which use personal information, giving rights to individuals in controlling the use of the personal data. PTRC is an advocate of the principles of data protection and endeavours to confirm to The Data Protection Act 1998

How can the Data Protection Act help you?
The Data Protection Act works in two ways. It gives you certain rights. It also says those who record and use personal information must be open about how the information is used and must follow the eight principles of 'good information handling'

The Data Protection Act encompasses the following principles, it says data must be:

fairly and lawfully processed;
processed for limited purposes;
adequate, relevant and not excessive;
not kept for longer than necessary;
processed in line with your rights;
secure; and,
not transferred to countries without adequate protection.

For information on Data Protection, visit: or contact:

Office of the Data Protection Commissioner, Wycliffe House,Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire, SK9 5AF.