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Advanced Road Safety Audits

Big Data and Planning

Business Engagement and Travel Planning

Cycling for Transport

Cycling Infrastructure

Delivering Accessible and Inclusive Transport

Delivering Effective Transport Policy

Designing and Maintaining Highway Drainage Systems

Designing for Buses in the Urban Environment

Developing Successful School Travel Plans

Effective Construction Management Plans

Equality Act for Placemakers and Transport Practitioners

Essential Legislation for Transport Practitioners

The Fundamentals of Commissioning Data

The Fundamentals of Travel Planning

Healthy Streets - Encouraging the Walkability of Our Cities

Introduction to Highway Design and Construction 

Mobile Data and Transport Planning

On Street Parking Scheme Design

Overcoming the Challenges of Poor Air Quality

Participation and Consultation in Transport Planning

Planning Public Transport

Public Inquiries and Appeals

Road Safety Audits - Principles and Good Practice

Scenario Planning for Transport Planners

Statistical Techniques for Transport Planners

Successful Planning Applications

Technical Report Writing

Traffic Orders - Principles and Good Practice

Transport Modelling for Non-Modellers

Transport Scheme Appraisal

Urban Logistics - Delivering the Goods


As a leading provider of training courses, study tours, workshops, seminars and conferences for transport planning professionals, we develop and organise training programmes that are relevant, accessible and beneficial.

Below you will find our training programme. Click the leaflet next to each course listing for further details. To book one of our upcoming courses, please click here.

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Advanced Road Safety Audits | One Day

As any Transport Planner knows, Travel Plans offer a wide range of benefits from encouraging active travel within the workplace and community, to reducing congestion and air pollution, to improving accessibility and many more. 

In this course, we will explore the motivational factors behind workplace engagement, equipping practitioners with a tried and tested toolkit for use in developing their own engagement programmes. 


Big Data and Transport Planning | One Day

As any Transport Planner knows, Travel Plans offer a wide range of benefits from encouraging active travel within the workplace and community, to reducing congestion and air pollution, to improving accessibility and many more. 

In this course, we will explore the motivational factors behind workplace engagement, equipping practitioners with a tried and tested toolkit for use in developing their own engagement programmes. 


Business Engagement and Travel Planning | One Day

As any Transport Planner knows, Travel Plans offer a wide range of benefits from encouraging active travel within the workplace and community, to reducing congestion and air pollution, to improving accessibility and many more. 

In this course, we will explore the motivational factors behind workplace engagement, equipping practitioners with a tried and tested toolkit for use in developing their own engagement programmes. 


Cycling for Transport | Two Day

The increasing concerns over reducing road congestion and lowering NO2 levels throughout the country is just one of the factors behind the desire to increase the use of cycling as a main mode of transportation. 

This course is designed to provide a solid introduction to cycling considerations, and is suitable for those working in transport planning, in public health or with Local Authorities who have a responsibility to decrease air pollution or increase awareness of the benefits of cycling.


Cycling Infrastructure | One Day

Retro-fitting high quality cycling infrastructure is a significant challenge for engineers and planners. Restricted space, UK driving rules, culture and political support are key challenges.

This course explores the different approaches to making cycling feel convenient and safe in urban areas, illustrated by case studies of innovative cycling infrastructure design. 


Delivering Accessible and Inclusive Transport | One Day

Retro-fitting high quality cycling infrastructure is a significant challenge for engineers and planners. Restricted space, UK driving rules, culture and political support are key challenges.

This course explores the different approaches to making cycling feel convenient and safe in urban areas, illustrated by case studies of innovative cycling infrastructure design. 


Delivering Effective Transport Policy | One Day

Across the world, transport policy provides the guiding principles for the planning, assessment, delivery and management of transport infrastructure and services. These principles are set in the wider context of social, economic and environmental goals and constraints. 

This course considers the basic principles of transport policy taking an objective-led approach as its starting point. It then addresses a range of mechanisms and approaches by which policy is translated into initiatives on the ground.


Design, Construction and Maintenance of Highway Drainage Systems | Two Day

The increasing frequency of flooding and a growing awareness of the effects of climate change are drivers towards a greater recognition of the importance of effective surface water drainage systems.

This two day course provides up-to-date information on current practice, legislation, design, construction and maintenance standards, appropriate materials and innovative solutions. The focus of the course is on achieving effective and maintainable drainage systems, and is presented by recognised experts in the field who have extensive experience in the road industry.


Designing for Buses in the Urban Environment | One Day

This one-day course will highlight common mistakes that can occur during the planning and designing of bus interchanges and infrastructures. Exploring issues that may at first appear minor, but if not identified and addressed early can result in challenging and costly remedial work during the construction and post opening phases of the project. 


Developing Successful School Travel Plans | One Day

Whilst development of school travel plans has become ‘second nature’ across the UK over the past two decades, with future planning growth and rising populations, this tool is still highly relevant. As we come out of the latest round of LSTF projects, against a background of rising car ownership and use, the ‘school run’ still remains a key area to tackle - particularly in the secondary school sector.

This course
 highlights the role of the planning process, particularly given the need for new schools and academies to cater for the demands of expanding urban and rural communities.


Effective Construction Management Planning | One Day

The Construction Management Plan (CMP) tool has been established as a key tool for managing traffic impact of new development while it is in the build phases. However, with increasing pressure to manage out unnecessary traffic from urban centres and sensitive rural locations, combined with the advocacy of Clear Zones and other environmental restrictions, the creation of SMART CMPs is even more important. 

This course looks at the role of construction management and logistics plans to creatively manage down delivery and other freight traffic without compromising the build process and ensuring that the solutions are affordable and efficient. 



Ensuring Compliance with the Equality Act | Two Day

This course has been developed to help transport, highways and public realm professionals in unitary county and district authorities to understand the provisions of the Equality Act and what this means for their day-to-day work in policy development through to planning, designing and delivering schemes on the ground



Essential Legislation for Highway and Transport Practitioners | One Day

The legislation affecting transport practitioners is wide ranging, with often serious consequences for non-compliance. Covering the main duties, powers and obligations placed on practitioners by UK legislation, this course provides an essential insight into the distinction between law and guidance and the risks that can arise from departing from this.


The Fundamentals of Commissioning Data | One Day

The legislation affecting transport practitioners is wide ranging, with often serious consequences for non-compliance. Covering the main duties, powers and obligations placed on practitioners by UK legislation, this course provides an essential insight into the distinction between law and guidance and the risks that can arise from departing from this.


The Fundamentals of Travel Planning | One Day

The legislation affecting transport practitioners is wide ranging, with often serious consequences for non-compliance. Covering the main duties, powers and obligations placed on practitioners by UK legislation, this course provides an essential insight into the distinction between law and guidance and the risks that can arise from departing from this.


Healthy Streets - Improving the Walkability of our Cities | One Day

Walking is the nearest activity to perfect exercise and is the cheapest and simplest form of transport. Not only does it keep the walker healthy but it keeps the planet healthy too by cutting down on harmful air pollutants. The benefits of a cleaner environment not only offer health benefits it can often be a catalyst for improving the economy.

This course sets out the strategic drivers including economic, environmental, social, technologies and political domains that are shaping our future cities. It discusses the movements and place dimensions and identifies the various benefits of walking and how that would be achievable by quantitative and qualitative measurements.


Highway Design and Construction | Two Day

Continuing cut-backs and restraint in funding of highway construction and maintenance has led to even greater need for practitioners to gain an appreciation and understanding of cost-effective highway design, specification and implementation. The principles of highway engineering apply not only to the construction of major new road schemes, but also to smaller improvements, deconstruction and on going road maintenance.

This two-day course will consider the roles and responsibilities of highway authorities and consultants. Additionally it will guide participants through highway design and construction of new or remodelled roads.


Introduction to Traffic Survey Techniques | One Day

This course will provided participants with knowledge of traffic survey techniques allowing them to identify, organise, analyse and use the most appropriate techniques and data to suit their transport planning requirements.

We will present information from the perspectives of data users and data suppliers, giving a balanced overview of this often overlooked but vitally important element of the transport planning process.


Mobile Data and Transport Planning | One Day

Mobile Network Data can provide a valuable data source to transportation projects and provide a wealth of information insights relating to user trips and user behaviour. It has benefits over existing data collection sources due to its sample size, geographic extent and the ability to request data over a defined time period over the last two years. 

This course provides an introduction to the mobile technology and how data is processed in order to provide insight to the transportation industry.


Overcoming the Challenges of Poor Air Quality | One Day

Nearly 40 million Britons live in areas with illegal air pollution levels resulting in 40,000 premature deaths a year. 

This one-day training course has been developed to bring practitioners up to speed with the latest developments in urban air quality management and assessment, to gain a critical insight into the existing process and to have the confidence to deliver solutions to improve public health and well-being. It will also examine how to deliver an effective plan for your community and local businesses; on time and on budget. 


On Street Parking Scheme Design: Essential Knowledge for Transport Professionals | One Day

Parking management and provision is a key concern to industry professionals and the general public alike. Balancing the apparent need for parking facilities with the often conflicting demand for kerb-side space is a complex issue which typically goes beyond applying strict technical rationale. There are also social, political and economic aspects to be considered.

This course focuses on providing participants with a clear understanding of how to develop evidence-based solutions for parking issues whilst avoiding common mistakes


Participation and Consultation in Transport Planning | One Day

Parking management and provision is a key concern to industry professionals and the general public alike. Balancing the apparent need for parking facilities with the often conflicting demand for kerb-side space is a complex issue which typically goes beyond applying strict technical rationale. There are also social, political and economic aspects to be considered.

This course focuses on providing participants with a clear understanding of how to develop evidence-based solutions for parking issues whilst avoiding common mistakes


Planning Public Transport Services | Two Day

Providing high quality public transport has long been seen as a pro-active means of addressing challenges for European cities such as traffic congestion costs, traffic in cities, pollution-related deaths, rising costs of fuel and our unsustainable dependence on cars. However, Public Transport service planners and operators face a range of practical, financial, operational and social challenges in developing services.

This course will focus on existing short range public transport planning practice and methods for improving it.


Preparing for a Successful Public Inquiry Outcome| Two Day

This course is a must for any practitioner who may need to give evidence as an expert witness on behalf of a local authority, the private sector or promoter of a development. Simulating the real-life speed and pressure of an inquiry environment, the course provides the key background knowledge and skills to help delegates formulate and articulate their arguments.

The course is equally applicable to those preparing to appear at an inquiry or appeal, and will also give core skills to those who will be involved in Local Development Framework (LDF) policy or roundtable-style hearings.  


Project Management in Transport Planning | Two Day

This course is a must for any practitioner who may need to give evidence as an expert witness on behalf of a local authority, the private sector or promoter of a development. Simulating the real-life speed and pressure of an inquiry environment, the course provides the key background knowledge and skills to help delegates formulate and articulate their arguments.

The course is equally applicable to those preparing to appear at an inquiry or appeal, and will also give core skills to those who will be involved in Local Development Framework (LDF) policy or roundtable-style hearings.  


Road Safety Audits – Principles and Good Practice | One Day

In 2015 1,732 people died in traffic accidents in Great Britain. Although Great Britain is one of the best performing countries in the world when it comes to road safety, there are still improvements that can be made to reduce the number of deaths and injuries occurring on our roads.

This course will introduce delegates to the cause of accidents and how they can be addressed by engineering, education and enforcement interventions. It will particularly focus on the use of road safety audits as one way of ensuring that safety is given sufficient consideration in the design process.


Scenario Planning for Transport Planners | One Day

Framing how you think about the future is the first step to developing robust, evidence-led strategies. Scenario testing has often been used by transport planners for business case development, and predictions have been used to write policy. 

This course will focus on how to create future scenarios as a starting point against which to develop your future mobility strategies. It will introduce you to trend analysis, creating a vision, understanding uncertainties, and all the components of a good quality future scenario.


Statistical Techniques for Transport Practitioners | One Day

Any data-led transport project will require the use of Statistical and other mathematical techniques at some stage, whether this be in determining the scale of a perceived problem, establishing how much data to collect, analyzing data, dealing with problems in data sets, or when undertaking before and after monitoring.

This one day course equips delegate with working knowledge of the tical techniques that should be applied at different stages in projects to ensure that the evidence base underlying decisions is robust.


Successful Planning Applications for Transport Practitioners | One Day

Following the introduction of the National Planning Policy Framework in March 2012, the government condensed long established planning policy guidance into a Planning Practice Guidance portal, published online in March 2014. Both NPPF and wider changes to the planning system have drastically altered the ground rules for transport planners and engineers working within the field of development management.

This one day course provides an overview of the new development management framework, providing practical advice for those involved in the preparation and review of transport assessments


Technical Report Writing | One Day

Many professionals lack confidence in their report-writing skills, and feel that their credibility suffers because their written reports are not a fair reflection of their expertise. Anyone involved in technical work will quickly discover the challenges presented when trying to communicate their ideas, information, proposals or recommendations to colleagues and clients. All too often, the impact of many hours of work can hinge on the ability to explain the results effectively to others.



Traffic Orders – Principles and Good Practice | One Day

Traffic Orders are an essential requirement for airjust about every enforceable restriction that applies to the highway, and will be required for the construction and operation of many transport infrastructure schemes. This course provides delegates with an undesrtanding of the formal stages involved in making different types of Traffic Orders, and will offer valuable insight into the process for creating these legal documents. 


Transport Modelling for Non-Modellers | Two Day

The modelling of junctions, road networks and public transport systems provides fundamental information to support decisions taken on future land uses, investment in the transport system and other policy interventions. The mathematical programs underpinning commonly used modelling packages are highly complex and sophisticated systems. The mathematical “black box” combinedwith limited practicalexperience of modelling means that many people responsible for commissioning modelling activities find modelling a daunting area of responsibility. This course provides an introduction to the modelling tools commonly used, providing delegates with an understanding of the applicability of different models to various situations, and equips practitioners with simple techniques for checking model outputs.


Transport Scheme Appraisal | One Day

This course will provide a comprehensive grounding in the latest business case appraisal approaches for transport projects. It will introduce the five cases that make up a transport business case: the Strategic, Economic, Commercial, Financial and Management Cases. It will highlight current guidance in WebTAG and HM Treasury’s "Green Book" on Appraisal and Evaluation and provide an understanding of the key concepts used in appraisal.

Following an overview of the entire scheme appraisal process on day one, the second day will focus on the economic case and the principles, tools and techniques used in economic appraisal, including cost-benefit analysis, discounting and presentation of results. The course will be delivered through a combination of presentations and workshops.


Urban Logistics - Delivering the Goods | One Day

This course will provide a comprehensive grounding in the latest business case appraisal approaches for transport projects. It will introduce the five cases that make up a transport business case: the Strategic, Economic, Commercial, Financial and Management Cases. It will highlight current guidance in WebTAG and HM Treasury’s "Green Book" on Appraisal and Evaluation and provide an understanding of the key concepts used in appraisal.

Following an overview of the entire scheme appraisal process on day one, the second day will focus on the economic case and the principles, tools and techniques used in economic appraisal, including cost-benefit analysis, discounting and presentation of results. The course will be delivered through a combination of presentations and workshops.