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Book a Course

Our upcoming courses can be booked online or via email/post. 

To book online with a credit card, please click Book Now next to the course listing, or alternatively fill in a booking form and email it to us at

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February 2025
Transport Scheme Appraisal for Transport Planners - OnlineBOOK NOW
18/02/2025 09:00:00 - 19/02/2025 17:00:00

This course will provide a comprehensive grounding in the latest business case appraisal approaches for transport projects. It will introduce the five cases that make up a transport business case: the Strategic, Economic, Commercial, Financial and Management Cases. It will highlight current guidance in WebTAG and HM Treasury’s “Green Book” on Appraisal and Evaluation and provide an understanding of the key concepts used in appraisal.

Following an overview of the entire scheme appraisal process on day one, the second day will focus on the economic case and the principles, tools and techniques used in economic appraisal, including cost-benefit analysis, discounting and presentation of results. The course will be delivered through a combination of presentations and workshops.

Programme and Booking Form

Full programme here

Course Fees

Standard Fee: £545 

CILT Member/ Local Authority/ Charity Fee: £495 


Click book now to pay online by card or return a completed booking form to the Events Team at


March 2025
Urban Logistics - LondonBOOK NOW
05/03/2025 09:00:00 - 05/03/2025 17:00:00

Efficient, safe and sustainable movement of freight within urban areas is essential to ensure towns and cities prosper and local businesses thrive. Freight is the lifeblood of our local economies and needs to be planned for and effectively managed, to balance the needs of industry with those of local communities, other road users and the environment.

This course provides the essential background to the nature of freight movement in urban areas using real-world case studies from around the globe.

This course is ideally suited to local authority personnel with responsibilities for urban freight movements and business liaison and engagement (including Transport Planners, Environmental Health Officers, Town Planners, Economic Development Officers, Road Safety Officers, and Sustainable Travel Planners), as well as consultancy staff engaged in urban freight planning support and other relevant stakeholders.

Programme and Booking Form 

For more information, please email

Course Fees

Standard Fee: £385

CILT Member/ Local Authority/ Charity Fee: £365


Click book now to book online with a card or return a completed booking form to the Events Team at

Road Safety Audits: Principles and Good Practice - OnlineBOOK NOW
18/03/2025 09:00:00 - 18/03/2025 17:00:00

This course will introduce delegates to the causes of accidents and how they can be addressed by engineering, education and enforcement. It will particularly focus on the use of road safety audits as one way of ensuring that safety is given sufficient consideration in the design process.

The course is designed for road safety auditors who wish to refresh and update their knowledge, those looking to meet CPD requirements, and for people with limited or no experience of road safety auditing activities who wish to learn more about this area of work. People working in the fields of transport planning, development management, regeneration and urban design will find this one day course and indispensable introduction to road safety engineering techniques and audit methods.

It is also suitable for those with managerial responsibility for engineering design, road safety audit and project development teams, who are looking for a broad overview of techniques and issues.

Programme and Booking Form 

For more information, please email

Course Fees

Standard Fee: £385

CILT Member/ Local Authority/ Charity Fee: £365


Click book now to book online with a card or return a completed booking form to the Events Team at

April 2025
Overcoming the Challenges of Poor Air QualityBOOK NOW
01/04/2025 09:00:00 - 01/04/2025 17:00:00

Brand New Course!

Over the past five years, legislation has become stricter, with the recent Environmental Act (2021), new air quality monitoring technology has been unleashed to identify hidden air pollution hotspots, and the rollout of more traffic interventions such as clean air zones and low-traffic neighbourhoods have encouraged positive mobility trends.

Since the net-zero carbon commitment, both public and private sector organisations have committed to decreasing greenhouse gas emissions to minimal levels. With this course, you will learn the principles of delivering a successful carbon plan on time and within budget to promote
public health benefits and restore the natural environment of our local communities.

Despite the damaging health and environmental concerns associated with air pollution, tremendous progress has already been made towards creating a sustainable future. Join our one-day training workshop on tackling air pollution and championing decarbonisation initiatives. This
course is designed to improve our understanding on new regulatory and legislative requirements for air quality, the use of new technology, and the implementation of traffic interventions.

Tailored for policymakers, practitioners, and local government players interested in improving air quality, this training will equip you with necessary skills to effectively engage with communities to drive behaviour and environmental change.

Programme and Booking form

For more information, please email

Course Fees

Standard Fee: £385 

CILT Member/ Local Authority/ Charity Fee: £365 


Click Book Now to book online with a card or return a completed booking form to the Events Team at

Design, Construction and Maintenance of Highways Drainage Systems - OnlineBOOK NOW
02/04/2025 09:00:00 - 03/04/2025 17:00:00

The increasing frequency of flooding and a growing awareness of the effects of climate change are drivers towards a greater recognition of the importance of effective surface water drainage systems.

This two day course aims to provide up-to-date information on current practice concerning design, construction and maintenance of highway drainage systems. Legislation with particular reference to the Flood & Water Management Act 2010 together with design and construction standards, appropriate materials and innovative solutions will be covered, focusing on achieving effective and maintainable drainage systems. Due emphasis is given to environmental aspects arising from climate change, the provision of Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems (SuDS) and mitigation of flood risk. The course is presented by recognised experts in their field, who have extensive experience in the highways industry.

Programme and Booking Form

For more information, please email
Course Fees

Standard Fee: £545

CILT Member/ Local Authority/ Charity Fee: £495 


Click book now to pay online by card or return a completed 
booking form to the Events Team at

Advanced Road Safety Audit and Engineering - OnlineBOOK NOW
23/04/2025 09:00:00 - 24/04/2025 17:00:00

This course is split over two days. On the first day delegates will examine ‘human factors’ associated with road safety and will particularly focus on the implementation of the ‘safe systems’ approach to casualty reduction and its relevance in road safety audit and applied engineering practice, as one way of ensuring that safety is given sufficient consideration in the design process.

Day two covers international road safety engineering and audit process, with a focus on the World Health Organisation (WHO) International Decade of Action and it compares and contrasts typical UK practices and conditions with those likely to be encountered internationally.

Programme and Booking Form

For more information, please email

Course Fees

Standard Fee: £545 

CILT Member/ Local Authority/ Charity Fee: £495 


Click Book Now to pay online with card or please return a completed booking form or contact the Events Team at

May 2025
Public Inquiries and Appeals - OnlineBOOK NOW
13/05/2025 09:00:00 - 20/05/2025 17:00:00

Day one takes place on 13th May. Day two takes place on 20th May.

The course is built around a mock inquiry for a major urban extension with its core purpose to develop the skills required in preparing and delivering robust and precise proofs of evidence.

Delegates will also gain experience of the additional pressures imposed by speaking in public and dealing with cross-examination, and not forgetting the importance of making arguments clear and simple to understand so that all those present at the inquiry are on an ‘equal footing’.

Programme and Booking Form

For more information, please email

Course Fees

Standard Fee: £545

CILT Member/ Local Authority/ Charity Fee: £495


Click book now to book online or return a completed booking form to the Events Team at

Transport Modelling for Non-Modellers - LondonBOOK NOW
14/05/2025 09:00:00 - 15/05/2025 17:00:00

This course provides an introduction to the modelling tools commonly used, providing delegates with an understanding of the applicability of different models to various situations, and equips practitioners with simple techniques for checking model outputs.

The course is designed for people with limited or no experience of transport modelling activities who are responsible for requesting or commissioning models, such as those working in the fields of strategic transport planning, strategic land use planning, development management and economic growth/regeneration. It is also suitable for those with managerial responsibility for modelling teams, who are looking for a broad overview of techniques and issues.

Programme and Booking Form

For more information, please email

Course Fees

Standard Fee: £545 

CILT Member/ Local Authority/ Charity Fee: £495 


Click book now to pay online by card or return a completed booking form to the Events Team at

June 2025
Delivering Effective Access and Inclusion - OnlineBOOK NOW
10/06/2025 09:00:00 - 10/06/2025 17:00:00

This course provides an introduction into the area of accessibility and public transport integration. Drawing on a range of case studies and approaches, this course examines the latest access and inclusion agenda as it relates to public transport and interchange, the role of the community transport and taxi sector, station travel planning and multimodal access to rail, as well as BRT and more conventional bus and rail integration. The key role of active travel to stimulate greater use of public transport and the types of interchange and ‘last mile’ improvements needed to encourage this will also be covered.

The course will outline the latest thinking on access, diversity and inclusion as set out in DfT’s Inclusive Transport Strategy, as well as explaining the main principles of the Equality Act.

The course, run in an interactive workshop format, will also look at the implications of regulations including the PSVAR requirements and the Office of Rail and Road’s Accessible Transport Policy. Finally it will consider the role of station travel plans and how these tools can be used to provide holistic accessibility solutions.

Programme and Booking Form

For more information, please email

Course Fees 

Standard Fee: £385

CILT Member/ Local Authority/ Charity Fee: £365 


Click Book Now to book online with a card or return a completed booking form to the Events Team at 

July 2025
The 22nd Annual Transport Practitioners' MeetingBOOK NOW
09/07/2025 09:00:00 - 10/07/2025 17:00:00

What is TPM?

The Transport Practitioners’ Meeting is a unique opportunity for transport professionals to engage with each other and inspire the profession. For over 20 years, we have brought together transport practitioners to be empowered to make transport a force for good. The world today faces unprecedented transport, logistics and planning challenges, making the conference an even more invaluable space to debate, share and engage. TPM provides a home for the profession, an arena to find common solutions, to ensure that transportation managers are ready to build a world that is better than before.

Why attend TPM?

  • Sessions covering the latest developments and emerging best practice on a wide variety of topics including Global Trends, Shared Economy, Smart Cities, Transport Economics and many more!
  •  Hands-on workshops and over one hundred unique paper presentations highlighting challenges, solutions and innovations in the transport sector
  •  Sponsored networking drinks reception, prestigious annual awards ceremony and dinner
  •  Two-day discounted rates, discounts for select membership organisations, return of the two-for-one Local Authority rate

Where is TPM being held?

#2025TPM will be held 9th and 10th of July 2025 in Manchester at The Manchester Metropolitan University. There is plenty of opportunity to get involved be it presenting a poster or presentation, sponsoring a network session or simply soaking in the atmosphere – The Transport Practitioners’ Meeting is a must attend event for any practitioner!


Ticket PricesOne Day RateTwo Day Rate
Standard Rate£349£499*
Speaker Rate£199£299*
Local Authority Rate**£249£399
Member Rate£299£499*
Awards Ceremony & Dinner Only£59

* Dinner included with this rate
** Local Authorities receive two bookings for the price of one on two day bookings. Dinner is not included. Please email to book

Please note that an RSVP for the dinner must be received at least one week prior to the event. Any no shows for RSVPs to the dinner event are subject to a £50 administration fee. Cancellation of an RSVP is accepted up to three days before the event.

Booking Form

Please continue through the booking journey or use this form to make invoice payments. Two for one Local Authority rates must be booked through the form. Please contact PTRC directly for any group bookings on

Please click here to access the PDF booking form >>


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