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Our upcoming courses can be booked online or via email/post. 

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September 2024
Principles of Traffic & Transport Evening Lecture Series UK - ONLINEBOOK NOW
17/09/2024 17:30:00 - 11/03/2025 19:00:00

This is an online course.

Our most popular lecture series provides an introduction to the key components of transport planning and traffic engineering.

Whether you are new to the transport industry, are looking to refresh your knowledge on transport principles, or if you have taken on a new responsibility or are working in a ‘niche area’ and wish to broaden your knowledge, PTRC’s evening lecture series offers a cost-effective and time-inexpensive training course that will benefit both the participating employees and their employers.

The programme has been designed to complement both the TPS Professional Development Scheme and the CIHT/TPS Transport Planning Professional (TPP) qualification enabling participants to gain knowledge across all the mandatory units.

Programme and Booking Form

Full programme here

Course Fees

Standard Fee: £699 

CILT & TPS Member/Local Authority/ Charity Fee: £649 


Click Book Now to book online or complete and return the booking form to the Events Team at

10 Day Road Safety Audit and Engineering - Hong KongBOOK NOW
23/09/2024 12:00:00 - 14/10/2024 19:00:00

The Transport Department of Hong Kong has introduced a Road Safety Audit Chapter (Vol 5 Chapter 7) to the Transport Planning and Design Manual (TPDM): an updated Manual was released in April 2019. This road safety audit requirement has now become a key part of the Transport Department's requirements for new public road projects carried out by government departments.

Our ten day course programme comprises a wide range of lectures, workshops, assessment exercises and practical site visits over the two weeks. All delegates completing this course and will receive a CPD certificate of attendance. This certificate will comply with existing Transport Department training requirements for 10 days formal training for Road Safety Auditors as stated in TPDM Vol 5 Chapter 7.

This course is designed for those who require a solid, comprehensive understanding of the theory and practice of road accident/collision investigation and prevention and those who would undertake road safety audits. It is also perfect for engineers, planners and technicians with a minimum of 2 years' experience in road safety engineering or accident/collision investigations and working in local authorities, consultations, the Transport Department or executive agencies.
It is also suitable for road suitable for road safety officers, police and Armed Forces personnel and other professionals concerned with road safety but have limited or no experience of road safety auditing activities.

Programme and Booking Form

Full programme here


Click Book Now to book online or complete and return the booking form to the Events Team at

Overcoming the Challenges of Poor Air QualityBOOK NOW
24/09/2024 09:00:00 - 24/09/2024 17:00:00

Brand New Course!

Over the past five years, legislation has become stricter, with the recent Environmental Act (2021), new air quality monitoring technology has been unleashed to identify hidden air pollution hotspots, and the rollout of more traffic interventions such as clean air zones and low-traffic neighbourhoods have encouraged positive mobility trends.

Since the net-zero carbon commitment, both public and private sector organisations have committed to decreasing greenhouse gas emissions to minimal levels. With this course, you will learn the principles of delivering a successful carbon plan on time and within budget to promote
public health benefits and restore the natural environment of our local communities.

Despite the damaging health and environmental concerns associated with air pollution, tremendous progress has already been made towards creating a sustainable future. Join our one-day training workshop on tackling air pollution and championing decarbonisation initiatives. This
course is designed to improve our understanding on new regulatory and legislative requirements for air quality, the use of new technology, and the implementation of traffic interventions.

Tailored for policymakers, practitioners, and local government players interested in improving air quality, this training will equip you with necessary skills to effectively engage with communities to drive behaviour and environmental change.

Programme and Booking form

Full programme here

Course Fees

Standard Fee: £385 

CILT Member/ Local Authority/ Charity Fee: £365 


Click Book Now to book online with a card or return a completed booking form to the Events Team at

Transport Modelling for Non-Modellers - LondonBOOK NOW
25/09/2024 09:00:00 - 26/09/2024 17:00:00

This course provides an introduction to the modelling tools commonly used, providing delegates with an understanding of the applicability of different models to various situations, and equips practitioners with simple techniques for checking model outputs.

The course is designed for people with limited or no experience of transport modelling activities who are responsible for requesting or commissioning models, such as those working in the fields of strategic transport planning, strategic land use planning, development management and economic growth/regeneration. It is also suitable for those with managerial responsibility for modelling teams, who are looking for a broad overview of techniques and issues.

Programme and Booking Form

Full programme here

Course Fees

Standard Fee: £545 

CILT Member/ Local Authority/ Charity Fee: £495 


Click book now to pay online by card or return a completed booking form to the Events Team at

Technical Report Writing - OnlineBOOK NOW
25/09/2024 09:00:00 - 25/09/2024 17:00:00

Many professionals lack confidence in their report-writing skills, and feel that their credibility suffers because their written reports are not a fair reflection of their expertise. Anyone involved in technical work will quickly discover the challenges presented when trying to communicate their ideas, information, proposals or recommendations to colleagues and clients. All too often, the impact of many hours of work can hinge on the ability to explain the results effectively to others.

This programme is suitable for transportation practitioners at all levels wishing to improve their technical writing skills; it is also particularly useful for those new to technical report writing in a business and consultancy context.

Programme and Booking Form

Full programme here

Course Fees

Standard Fee: £385

CILT Member/ Local Authority/ Charity Fee: £365 


Click Book Now to book online with a card or return a completed booking form to the Events Team at

Parking Scheme Design - OnlineBOOK NOW
26/09/2024 09:00:00 - 26/09/2024 17:00:00

Parking management and provision is a key concern to industry professionals and the general public alike. Balancing the apparent need for parking facilities with the often conflicting demand for kerbside space is a complex issue which typically goes beyond applying strict technical rationale. There are also social, political and economic aspects to be considered.

This course focuses on providing participants with a clear understanding of how to develop evidence based solutions for parking issues whilst avoiding common mistakes. This course is designed for transport planners, highway and traffic engineers/technicians and parking enforcement staff.

Programme and Booking Form

Full programme here

Course Fees Standard Fee: £385 
CILT Member/ Local Authority/ Charity Fee: £365 


Click book now to book online with a card or return a completed booking form to the Events Team at

October 2024
Project Management in Transport Planning - OnlineBOOK NOW
08/10/2024 09:00:00 - 08/10/2024 17:00:00

This course is designed to introduce all aspects of project management to transportation practitioners and to provide fundamental knowledge to project management practice. It teaches people skills rather than a methodology such as PRINCE, Projects or Agile. You will understand the importance of human capability in project management to leverage processes and methodologies and in getting the best out of everyone involved in the project for a successful delivery including the project manager.

Pre-course questionnaires will be completed by participants and the course is tailored to reflect their requirements.

Programme and Booking Form 

Full programme here

Course Fees

Standard Fee: £385 + VAT

CILT Member/ Local Authority/ Charity Fee: £365 + VAT


Click book now to book online with a card or return a completed booking form to the Events Team at

Planning Public Transport - LondonBOOK NOW
16/10/2024 09:00:00 - 17/10/2024 17:00:00

High quality public transport is an essential part of the toolkit  to tackle traffic congestion, pollution related deaths and other adverse side effects of cities’ and towns’ dependence on the car. However, with deregulated provision, such as the bus market in the UK, Public Transport service planners & operators face a range of financial operations & social challenges to developing and providing affective public transport services.

This two-day course provides a practical guide to operations planning, improved scheduling, market forecasting and economic appraisal methods for the development of bus and tram services.

Course Leaflet

Full programme here

Course Fees

Standard Fee: £525 

CILT & TPS Member/Local Authority/ Charity Fee: £475 


Click  Book Now  to book online or complete and return the  booking form   to  the Events Team at

Principles of Traffic & Transport Evening Lecture Series - LONDONBOOK NOW
17/10/2024 17:30:00 - 20/03/2025 19:00:00

This is an in-person course.

Our most popular lecture series provides an introduction to the key components of transport planning and traffic engineering.

Whether you are new to the transport industry, are looking to refresh your knowledge on transport principles, or if you have taken on a new responsibility or are working in a ‘niche area’ and wish to broaden your knowledge, PTRC’s evening lecture series offers a cost-effective and time-inexpensive training course that will benefit both the participating employees and their employers.

The programme has been designed to complement both the TPS Professional Development Scheme and the CIHT/TPS Transport Planning Professional (TPP) qualification enabling participants to gain knowledge across all the mandatory units.

Programme and Booking Form

Full programme here

Course Fees

Standard Fee: £699 

CILT & TPS Member/Local Authority/ Charity Fee: £649 


Click Book Now to book online or complete and return the booking form to the Events Team at

Transport Scheme Appraisal for Transport Planners - OnlineBOOK NOW
23/10/2024 09:00:00 - 24/10/2024 17:00:00

This course will provide a comprehensive grounding in the latest business case appraisal approaches for transport projects. It will introduce the five cases that make up a transport business case: the Strategic, Economic, Commercial, Financial and Management Cases. It will highlight current guidance in WebTAG and HM Treasury’s “Green Book” on Appraisal and Evaluation and provide an understanding of the key concepts used in appraisal.

Following an overview of the entire scheme appraisal process on day one, the second day will focus on the economic case and the principles, tools and techniques used in economic appraisal, including cost-benefit analysis, discounting and presentation of results. The course will be delivered through a combination of presentations and workshops.

Programme and Booking Form

Full programme here

Course Fees

Standard Fee: £545 

CILT Member/ Local Authority/ Charity Fee: £495 


Click book now to pay online by card or return a completed booking form to the Events Team at


November 2024
Designing for Buses in the Urban Environment - OnlineBOOK NOW
19/11/2024 09:00:00 - 19/11/2024 17:00:00

This one-day course will highlight common mistakes that can occur during the planning and design of bus interchanges and infrastructure. Exploring issues that may at first appear minor, but if not identified and addressed early can result in challenging and costly remedial work during the construction and post opening phases of the project. Many of these design issues occur because the designers or those approving the design may lack the specialist knowledge of bus interchange requirements, vehicle manoeuvrability and transport operations.

Taught through practical examples and case studies, the course will provide an introduction to the topic, allowing potential issues to be recognised and removed at the design stage enabling costly and time consuming issues to be avoided.

Programme and Booking Form

Full programme here

Course Fees

Standard Fee: £385 + VAT

CILT Member/ Local Authority/ Charity Fee: £365 + VAT


Click Book Now to book online or complete and return the booking form to the Events Team at

January 2025
Transport Modelling for Non-Modellers - OnlineBOOK NOW
29/01/2025 09:00:00 - 30/01/2025 17:00:00

This course provides an introduction to the modelling tools commonly used, providing delegates with an understanding of the applicability of different models to various situations, and equips practitioners with simple techniques for checking model outputs.

The course is designed for people with limited or no experience of transport modelling activities who are responsible for requesting or commissioning models, such as those working in the fields of strategic transport planning, strategic land use planning, development management and economic growth/regeneration. It is also suitable for those with managerial responsibility for modelling teams, who are looking for a broad overview of techniques and issues.

Programme and Booking Form

Full programme here

Course Fees

Standard Fee: £545 

CILT Member/ Local Authority/ Charity Fee: £495 


Click book now to pay online by card or return a completed booking form to the Events Team at

May 2025
Transport Modelling for Non-Modellers - LondonBOOK NOW
14/05/2025 09:00:00 - 15/05/2025 17:00:00

This course provides an introduction to the modelling tools commonly used, providing delegates with an understanding of the applicability of different models to various situations, and equips practitioners with simple techniques for checking model outputs.

The course is designed for people with limited or no experience of transport modelling activities who are responsible for requesting or commissioning models, such as those working in the fields of strategic transport planning, strategic land use planning, development management and economic growth/regeneration. It is also suitable for those with managerial responsibility for modelling teams, who are looking for a broad overview of techniques and issues.

Programme and Booking Form

Full programme here

Course Fees

Standard Fee: £545 

CILT Member/ Local Authority/ Charity Fee: £495 


Click book now to pay online by card or return a completed booking form to the Events Team at

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