The 2015 Urban Transport Design Award
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The 2015 Urban Transport Design Award

Call for Nominations

30 April 2015/Categories: PTRC News



The Urban Transport Design Award recognises highways, traffic and transport schemes that do much more than just facilitate movement, and urban realm schemes that do much more than look good.

Candidate schemes should contribute to the improvement of the built urban environment and benefit a range of users.  They should not just solve a problem for a specific user group or be essentially environmental improvements with little direct transport purpose.  Ideally, schemes should have been in full operation for at least a year to qualify, bearing in mind that “good urban design” is about how well a scheme works, not so much what it looks like.  Winning schemes will not only have a core transport function but will also achieve the broader objectives of urban design.


In the first instance, nominations should simply comprise a brief text description of the scheme accompanied by easily-emailable supporting evidence (e.g. before and after drawings/photos).  All nominated schemes will be considered by a panel of practitioners appointed by Urban Movement and PTRC, following which a shortlist of schemes (max 4) will be prepared for each category.  Sponsors of the short-listed schemes will then be sent a proforma for the provision of further details.  Panel representatives will visit each short-listed scheme prior to the awards being made.

All nominations for the 2015 Urban Transport Design Award should be sent to both John Dales at Urban Movement and Emma Cockburn at PTRC by Friday 15th May 2015.

Fore more information about the award including a list of past winners please click here.

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